On Wimbledon Common or pounding streets
We spent time in Nature enjoying this land.
We would CAVAT trees at Cambridge Road or Waterloo Coin Street
I held the DBH tape while you tested its accuracy with your hand span.
Armed with suitable detection equipment
We would listen to bats at Kensington Gardens or the Canons.
Embarking on a survey of a large poplar, you swore, A LOT,
As it had already been felled ANON.
On looking for brackets : -
"Resinaceum has increased in Richmond Park," you say
We debate a Podocypher rosette , or was it old cabbage fungus
Let's put in on the checklist for next year's Foray.
Taking home made wreaths to Jubilee Gardens
on the first of the Summer's Saturdays
In memory of the International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War
and to Highgate, red roses for Marx on his Anniversaries.
You said, "This will be a good RESISTOR",
On handing an Indica chestnut to me.
The resulting tree has reached your 'lofty' height
as, for now, I see you in every tree.
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